21st COE Program Seminar
Public Seminar on African Area Studies
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 15:00 - 17:00
Venue: Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
Common Building, No.307 (46 Yoshida Shimoadachi-cho, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501,
"Fatherhood and the Construction of the Masculine Self
among the Urban Gikuyu of Kenya"
By Nici Nelson, Anthropology Department, Goldsmiths' College, University
of London
In this paper I draw on the narratives of fatherhood taken from
a sample 50 Gikuyu men living in Nairobi in 1998-1999. The sample
included professional men, small business men and clerks, and
informal sector traders. They were all urban-based, detached from
agriculture as a mode of production, had some formal schooling, were
Christian and committed to a ‘modern’-style monogamy. They were
all interested in reconfiguring their practice of fatherhood in
order to become what they frequently referred to as ‘a modern
The paper historically situates the evolving styles of Gikuyu
parenting, (emphasising fatherhood), and their impacts on ‘modern’
Gikuyu ideas of selfhood and masculine identity. To do this, I
discuss Kenyan Gikuyu experiences of pre-colonialism, colonialism,
changing patterns of production, the introduction of Christianity,
modern education and global ‘expert’ views on fatherhood and
parenting as disseminated in media.
In examining the impact of new ideas of fatherhood, I develop
various themes. Gikuyu notions of parenting are increasingly
biologically and not sociologically engendered. Urban Gikuyu
fathering is for some becoming an important ‘practice of self’
critical in creating a man’s unique identity, which now may even
supersede his social identity. Fathering in this mode is also
becoming a marker of ‘modernity’ and has become one of the
regimes of the person’ by which individuals plan their everyday
lives to maximize their potential as worthy persons. In this modern
regime of the person children become planning objects and men are
opting into a wider and more feminised version of masculinity.

Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
TEL:075-753-7821 FAX:075-753-7810