Professor Prakash is a distinguished scholar of the history of
the Dutch East India Company and the Indian ocean trade in the early modern
period, including intra-Asian trade centring around Southeast Asian and
Japan. He is also an active member of GEHN (Global Economic History Network),
and in this presentation is expected to speak to the themes and issues
debated among the members of that group.
He is visiting Tokyo to participate in a pre-conference for a session at the International Economic History Congress at Helsinki this summer, and has kindly agreed to come down to Kyoto for a seminar.
This seminar will be organised jointly with the Afrasia Centre for Peace and Development Studies at Ryukoku University.
For further details, contact:
Kaoru Sugihara, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
tel/fax 075-753-7311
e-mail sugihara