The Micrology of Indonesian Local Societies:
The first session intends to present and discuss the results of a research
project carried out for three consecutive years from fiscal year 2001
until March 2004, receiving financial support from the Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). This project aimed at affording
a factual understanding of socio-cultural phenomena that emerged in Indonesian
local societies after the implementation of the decentralization regulation.
Our research area, however, covers only a minute part of Indonesia. In
addition, many things in flux there are too elusive to identify. Notwithstanding
these limitations, it is likely that we have not strived in vain. If
microscopic attention is focused on details in a comparative perspective
with the period of the New Order, it is not infeasible to collect substantial
data on a few aspects of present-day Indonesian local societies. We would
like to present interim analyses of those materials in order to invite
your perceptive comments. We expect that this workshop will be a vital
forum for exchanging views.
Everyday Life and Policing in the Wallacean World:
The second session discusses the changing process of socio-economic and
cultural life of peoples in the Wallacean maritime world. The Wallacean
maritime world as considered here includes the southern part of the Philippines,
Sabah, Malaysia and the eastern part of Indonesia. In the political sense,
the Wallacean world was by the early twentieth century divided among
three colonial states: the U.S. administered Philippines, British North
Borneo and the Dutch East Indies. These regions now constitute parts
of the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia respectively. Although the
regions were and are situated at the administrative peripheries, the
peoples there have had to constantly reorganize their everyday life as
they have tried to deal with the interference of modern states. The papers
in the session aim at understanding socio-economic and cultural dynamics
in the Wallacean world in relation to the impacts brought on by enclosure
of lands and seas by these modern states and by colonization or nationalization
of peoples’ lives. We present tentative analyses of results of
research conducted for three consecutive years, from fiscal year 2001
until March 2004, with financial support by a Grand-in-Aid for Scientific
Research (A) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).