Land, Local Custom and State Policies: Land Tenure, Land Disputes and
 Disputes Settlement among the Arsii Oromo of Southern Ethiopia


Land, Local Custom and State Policies: Land Tenure, Land Disputes and Disputes Settlement among the Arsii Oromo of Southern Ethiopia

著者: Mamo Hebo
発行元: SHOUKADOU Book Sellers

Land, local custom and state policies focuses on three interrelated issues: land tenure, land disputes, and mechanisms for land disputes settlements among the ArsiiOromopeople of southern Ethiopia. These issues are examined in view of the interaction among triple stakeholders. The government attempts to control the land and deal with land disputes through administrative procedures based on its policies and legislations. Local communities attempt to maintain their clan-based traditional territories and kinship-based land allocation mechanisms based on their customary practices, and by circumventing government policies. Individuals, on the other hand, employ government-based rules, local-based norms or both, to achieve their diverse motives. Combining a diachronic perspective with detailed anthropological fieldwork, the book explores intricate official and non-official interests that the land involves and how these interests are disputed, negotiated, and settled at various levels.Contrary to the image of the State as a sole source of power and the ultimate owner of all the lands in Ethiopia, the book reveals the existence of diverse interests in land, multiple means of land acquisition,and plural arenas for land disputes settlement. These plural ‘legal’ and institutional settings have been discussed as being categorized into either formal (state-based) or informal (local-based).

      【書名】 Land, Local Custom and State Policies:
Land Tenure, Land Disputes and Disputes Settlement among the Arsii Oromo of Southern Ethiopia
      【著者】 Mamo Hebo  
      【発行元】 SHOUKADOU Book Sellers  
      【出版年】 2006年  

The book also presents contextual analyses of detailed land disputes cases in order to reflect on the interaction among multiple stakeholders and highlight the values, processes, and procedures involved in Oromo customary dispute settlement settings.


Contents (major headings)

  1. Introduction
  2. Land Tenure Systems in Ethiopian History and the Current Debates on Land Tenure Options
  3. Land in Arsii Oromo Custom: An Ethnographic and Historical Overview
  4. Land Tenure Systems among the Arsii Oromo: A Diachronic Perspective
  5. Women’s Land Rights in Arsii Oromo Custom
  6. Land Disputes: Extents, Types and Relation to Land Use Types
  7. Plural Settings for Land Disputes Settlements
  8. Contextualizing Land Disputes and Their Settlements: Analysis of Four Dramatic Land Dispute Cases
  9. Conclusions


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