大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科東南アジア地域研究専攻 |
- Fujikura, Tatsuro. 2007. The Bonded Agricultural Laborers' Freedom Movement in Western Nepal. In Ishii, Hiroshi., David Gellner,and Katsuo Nawa, eds. Political and Social Transformations in North India and Nepal. Delhi: Manohar (Forthcoming in 2007)
- Fujikura, Tatsuro. 2004. Discourses of Awareness: Development, Social Movements, and the Practices of Freedom in Nepal. PhD dissertation. Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago.
- Fujikura, Tatsuro. 2001. Discourses of Awareness: Notes for a Criticism of Development in Nepal.Studies in Nepali History and Society 6(2): 271-313.
- Fujikura, Tatsuro. 2001. Emancipation of Kamaiyas [bonded laborers]: Development, Social Movement, and Youth Activism in Post-Jana Andolan [post-democratization] Nepal. Himalayan Research Bulletin XXI(1): 29-35.
- Fujikura, Tatsuro. 1996. Technologies of Improvement, Locations of Culture: American Discourses of Democracy and‘Community Development’in Nepal. Studies in Nepali History and Society 1(2): 271-311.
- Fujikura, Tatsuro. 2007. The Bonded Agricultural Laborers’Freedom Movement in Western Nepal. In Ishii, Hiroshi., David Gellner,and Katsuo Nawa, eds. Political and Social Transformations in North India and Nepal. Delhi: Manohar (Forthcoming in 2007)
- Fujikura, Tatsuro. 2004. Vasectomies and Other Experiments with Modernity: A Reflection on the
Discourses and Practices of Family Planning in Nepal. Journal of the
Japanese Association for South Asian Studies 16: 40-71.
- Fujikura, Tatsuro. 2004. Discourses of Awareness: Development, Social Movements, and the Practices of Freedom in Nepal. PhD dissertation. Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago.
- Fujikura, Tatsuro. 2004. Kamaiya Mobilization as a Politics of Patience (in Nepali). In Gautam, Bhaskar, Jagannath Adhikari, and Purna Basnet eds. Nepaalmaa Gariibiko Bahas (Debates on Poverty in Nepal), Kathmandu: Martin Chautari, pp.184-196.
- Fujikura, Tatsuro. 2003. The Role of Collective Imagination in the Maoist Conflict in Nepal. Himalaya: The Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies XXIII(1): 21-30.