これまで主に北部タイで調査研究をしてきたカレンと呼ばれる人々は山地と平地のはざまの生態的位置に多く居住し、山地社会と平地社会の両方の社会・文化的影響を受けながら国民国家形成の周縁的位置に適応してきた。ここでは1)この過程をさらにミャンマーの山地カレンとも比較する。2)より広範囲に他の山地居住諸集団との比較を試みる。3)生態的あるいは文化的な区分としての山地―平地の関係を再考する。 |
- Hayami, Yoko. 2004. Between Hills and Plains: Power and Practice in Socio-Religious Dynamics among Karen. Kyoto and Melbourne: Kyoto University Press and Trans Pacific Press.
- 速水洋子. 2000. 「差異の交差するところ―北タイ山地における民族間結婚」 『地域研究論集』3(2): 21-35.
- Hayami, Yoko. 1998. Motherhood Redefined: Women's Choices on Family Rituals and Reproduction in the Peripheries of Thailand, Sojourn 13(2): 1-21.
- Hayami, Yoko. 1997. Internal and External Discourse of Communality, Tradition and Environment: Minority Claims on Forest in the Northern Hills of Thailand, 『東南アジア研究』35(3): 558-579.
- 速水洋子. 1994. 「北タイ山地における仏教布教プロジェクト: あるカレン族村落群の事例」『東南アジア研究』32(2): 852-873.
【著書・論文】- 速水洋子. 2006. 「表象・介入・実践−人類学者と現地とのかかわり:序に代えて(特集企画・序文)」『文化人類学』70(4):1-10.
- Hayami, Yoko. 2006. Towards Multi-Laterality in Southeast Asian Studies:
Perspectives from Japan. In Cynthia Chou and Vincent Houben eds. Southeast Asian Studies: Debates and New
Directions. Institute of Soutehast
Asian Studies: Singapore. pp.65-86.
- Hayami, Yoko. 2006.“Traversing Invisible Borders: Narratives of Women
between Hills and City. In Roxana
Waterson eds. In Southeast Asian Lives: Personal Narratives and
Historical Experience (Ohio RIS Southeast Asia Series) .
- 速水洋子. 2004. 「タイ・ビルマ国境域の〈カレン〉から見る民族と宗教の動態」加藤剛編『変容する東南アジア社会 民族・宗教・文化の動態』めこん, pp201-244
- Hayami, Yoko. 2004. Between Hills and Plains: Power and Practice in Socio-Religious Dynamics among Karen, Kyoto and Melbourne: Kyoto University Press and Trans Pacific Press.
- Hayami, Yoko., Akio. Tanabe, and Yumiko. Tokita-Tanabe,. eds. 2003. Gender and Modernity in Asia and the Pacific, Kyoto University Press & Trans-Pacific Press. 300p.
- Hayami, Yoko. 2003. Meat-Consumption, Feasting and Commensality among Karen in the Context of Socio-Religious Changes in the Upland-Lowland Continuum, In Hayashi, Yukio and Thongsa Sayavongkhamdy eds., Cultural Diversity and Conservation in the Making of Mainland Southeast Asia and Southwestern China: Regional Dynamics in the Past and Present. Center for Southeast Asian Studies. pp. 294-321.
- Hayami, Yoko. 2003. The Decline of Founder’s Cults and Changing Configurations of Power: Village, Forest and State among Karen, In Tannenbaum, Nicola and C.A.Kammerer eds., Founder’s Cults. Northern Illinois University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies.
- Hayami, Yoko. 2003. Morality, sexuality and mobility; changing moral discourse and self, In De Lang, Claudio O. ed., Living at the Edge of Thai Society: The Karen in the highlands of northern Thailand. London and New York: Routledge Curzon, pp. 112-129.
【口頭発表】- Hyami, Yoko. 2005. Who are they/we the Karen?? negotiating ethnic imagery between self and other. International Thai Studies Conference(Northern Illinois University, U.S., April5th 2005)