東南アジア研究所 |
研究課題: |
(1)環境中の病原細菌の動態に関する研究 (2)東南アジアを発生源とする感染症の疫学 (3)これらを結びつけ、かつ文化・社会的背景をも考慮に入れ、東南アジア地域の感染症の特色を明らかにする。 |
主な研究業績: |
- Kondo, S., U. Kongmuang, S. Kalnauwakul, C. Matsumoto, C. H. Chen, and M. Nishibuchi,. 2001. Molecular epidemiologic analysis of Vibrio cholerae O1 isolated during the 1997-1998 cholera epidemic in southern Thailand. Epidemiol Infect 127: 7-16.
- Vuddhakul, V., A. Chowdhury, V. Laohaprertthisan, P. Pungrasamee, N. Patararungrong, P. Thianmontri, M. Ishibashi, C. Matsumoto, and M. Nishibuchi,. 2000. Isolation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains belonging to a pandemic O3:K6 clone from environmental and clinical sources in Thailand. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 66: 2685-2689.
- Matsumoto, C., J. Okuda, M. Ishibashi, M. Iwanaga, P. Garg, T. Rammamurthy, H.-C. Wong, A. Depaola, Y. B. Kim, M. J. Albert, and M. Nishibuchi,. 2000. Pandemic spread of an O3:K6 clone of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and emergence of related strains evidenced by arbitorarily primed PCR and toxRS sequence analyses. J. of Clinical Microbiol 38: 578-585.
- Radu, S., S. A. Mutalib, G. Rusul, Z. Ahmad, T. Morigaki, N. Asai, Y. B. Kim, J. Okuda, and M. Nishibuchi,. 1998. Detection of Escherichia coli O157: H7 in the beef marketed in Malaysia. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 64: 1153-1156.
- Nishibuchi, M., and J. B. Kaper. 1995. Thermostable direct hemolysin gene of Vibrio parahaemolyticus: a virulence gene acquired by a marine bacterium. Infect. Immun. 63: 2093-2099.
2002年度10月以降の研究業績: |
- Gomez Gil, B. E. Llausas-Magana, R. Romero, A. Espinoza, A. Garcia-Gasca, M. Nishibuchi, H. Cabanillas-Beltran, and M. Ishibashi. (in press). Outbreak of Gastroenteritis Caused by the pandemic Vibrio parahaemolyticus O3:K6 in Mexico. FEMS Microbiol. Lett.
- Nishibuchi, M. 2006. Miscellaneous Human Pathogens. In F. L. Thompson, B. Austin, and J. Swings eds. The Biology of Vibrios. ASM Press, Wasington, D.C. pp. 367-381.
- Nishibuchi, M. 2006. Molecular identification. In F. L. Thompson, B. Austin, and J. Swings eds. The Biology of Vibrios. ASM Press, Wasington, D.C. pp. 44-64.
- Vuddhakul, V., S. Soboon, W. Sunghiran, S. Kaewpiboon, A. Chowdhury, M. Ishibashi, Y. Nakaguchi, and M. Nishibuchi. (in press). Distribution of virulent and pandemic strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in three molluscan shellfish species (Meretrix meretrix, Perna viridis, and Anadara granosa) and their association with foodborne disease in southern Thailand. J. Food. Prot.
- Pavathi, A., H.S. Kumar, A. Bhanumathi, M. Ishibashi, M. Nishibuchi, I. Karunasagar, and I. Karunasagar. 2006. Molecular characterisation of thermostable direct haemolysin?related haemolysin (TRH)-positive Vibrio parahaemolyticus from oysters in Mangalore, India. Environ. Microbiol 8(6): 997-1004.
- Koitabashi, T., V. Vuddhakul, S. Radu, T. Morigaki, N. Asai, Y. Nakaguchi, and M. Nishibuchi. 2006. Genetic characterization of Escherichia coli O157:H7/- strains carrying the stx2 gene but not producing Shiga toxin 2. Microbiol. Immunol 50(2): 135-148.
- Bilung, L. M., S. Radu, A. R. Bahaman, R. A. Rahim, S. Napis, M. W. C. V. Ling, G. B. Tanil, and M. Nishibuchi. 2005. Detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in cockle (Anadara granosa) by PCR. FEMS Microbiol Lett 252(1): 85-88.
- Nakaguchi, Y., and M. Nishibuchi. 2005. The promoter region rather than its downstream inverted repeat sequence is responsible for low-level transcription of the thermostable direct hemolysin-related hemolysin (trh) gene of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. J. Bacteriol 187(5): 1849-1855.
- Wong, H. C., C. H. Chen, Y. J. Chung, S. H. Liu, T. K. Wang, C. L. Lee, C. S. Chiou, M. Nishibuchi, and B. K. Lee. 2005. Characterization of new O3:K6 strains and phylogenetically related strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated in Taiwan and other countries. J. Appl. Microbiol. 98(3): 572-80.
- Martinez-Urtaza J, L. Simental, D. Velasco, A. Depaola, M. Ishibashi, Y. Nakaguchi, M. Nishibuchi, D. Carrera-Flores, C. Rey-Alvarez, and A. Pousa. 2005. Pandemic Vibrio parahaemolyticus O3:K6, Europe. Emrg. Infect. Dis. 11(8): 13109-1320.
- Tanil, G. B., S. Radu, M. Nishibuchi, R. A. Rahim, S. Napis, L. Maurice, and J. W. Gunsalam. 2005. Characterization of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from coastal seawater in peninsular Malaysia. Southeast Asian J. Trop. Med. 36(4): 940-945.
- Gopal, S., S. K. Otta, S. Kumar, I. Karunasagar, M. Nishibuchi and I. Karunasagar. 2005. The occurrence of Vibrio species in tropical shrimp culture environments; implications for food safety. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 102: 151-159.
- Benjamin P. G., J. W. Gunsalam, S. Radu, S. Napis, F. A. Bakar, M. Beon, A. Benjamin, C. W. Dumba, S. Sengol, F. Mansur, R. Jeffrey, Y. Nakaguchi, and M. Nishibuchi. 2005. Factors associated with emergence and spread of cholera epidemics and its control in Sarawak, Malaysia between 1994 and 2003. Southeast Asian Studies. 43 (2): 109-140.
- Nishibuchi, M., and A. DePaola. 2005. Vibrio species. In P. M. Fratamico, A. K. Bhunia, and J. L. Smith eds., Food-borne Pathogens: Microbiology and Molecular Biology. Caister Academic Press, Norfolk, UK. pp. 251-271.
- Chen, C.H., T. Shimada, N. Elhadi, S. Radu, and M. Nishibuchi. 2004. Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of ctx+ strains of Vibrio cholerae isolated from seafood in Malaysia and the significance of the strains in epidemiology. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70(4): 1964-1972.
- Elhadi, N., S. Radu, C. H. Chen, and M. Nishibuchi. 2004. Prevalence of potentially pathogenic Vibrio species in the seafood marketed in Malaysia. J. Food Prot. 67(7): 1469-1475.
- Chowdhury, A., M. Ishibashi, V. D. Thiem, D. T. N. Tuyet, T. V. Tung, B. T. Chien, L. von Seidlein, D. G. Canh, J. Clemens, D. D. Trach, and M. Nishibuchi. 2004. Emergence and serovar transition of Vibrio parahaemolyticus pandemic strains isolated during a diarrhea outbreak in Vietnam between 1997 and 1999. Microbiol. Immunol 48(4): 319-327.
- Nakaguchi, Y., T. Ishizuka, S. Ohnaka, T. Hayashi, K. Yasukawa, T. Ishiguro, and M. Nishibuchi. 2004. Rapid and specific detection of tdh, trh1, and trh2 mRNA of Vibrio parahaemolyticus using transcription-reverse transcription concerted (TRC) reaction with an automated system. J. Clin. Microbiol. 42(9): 4284-4292.
- Martinez-Urtaza J, A. Lozano-Leon, A. Depaola, M. Ishibashi, K. Shimada, M. Nishibuchi, and E. Liebana. 2004. Characterization of pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from clinical sources in Spain and comparison with Asian and North American pandemic isolates. J. Clin Microbiol. 42(10): 4672-4678.
- Islam, M. S., R. Tasmin, S. I. Khan, H. B. M. Bakht, Z. H. Mahmood, M. Z. Rahman, N. A. Bhuiyan, M. Nishibuchi, G. B. Nair, R. B. Sack, A. Huq, R. R. Colwell, and D. A. Sack. 2004. Pandemic strains of O3:K6 Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the aquatic environment of Bangladesh. Can. J. Microbiol. 50(10): 827-834.
- Masuda, N., K. Yasukawa, Y. Isawa, R. Horie, J. Saito, T. Ishiguro, Y. Nakaguchi, M. Nishibuchi, and T. Hayashi. 2004. Rapid detection of tdh and trh mRNAs of Vibrio parahaemolyticus by the transcription-reverse transcription concerted (TRC) method. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 98(4): 236-243.
- Nakaguchi, Y., J. Okuda, T. Iida, and M. Nishibuchi. 2003. The urease gene cluster of Vibrio parahaemolyticus does not influence the expression of the thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) gene or the TDH-related hemolysin gene. Microbiol. Immunol 47(3): 233-239.
- Laohaprertthisan, V., A. Chowdhury, U. Kongmuang, S. Kalnauwakul, M. Ishibashi, C. Matsumoto, and M. Nishibuchi. 2003. Prevalence and serodiversity of the pandemic clone among the clinical strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated in southern Thailand. Epidemiol. Infect. 130: 1-12.
- Qadri, F., M. S. Alam, M. Nishibuchi, T. Rahman, N. H. Alam, J. Chisti, S. Kondo, J. Sugiyama, N. A. Bhuiyan, M. M. Mathan, D. A. Sack, and G. B. Nair. 2003. Adaptive and inflammatory immune responses in patients infected with strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. J. Infect. Dis.187: 1085-1096.
- Dileep, V. , H.S. Kumar, Y. Kumar, M. Nishibuchi, Indrani Karunasagar, Iddya Karunasagar. 2003. Application of polymerase chain reaction for detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus associated with tropical seafoods and coastal environment. Lett. Appl. Microbiol 36: 423-427.
- Hara-Kudo Y, K. Sugiyama, M. Nishibuchi, A. Chowdhury, J. Yatsuyanagi, Y. Ohtomo, A. Saito, H. Nagano, T. Nishina, H. Nakagawa, H. Konuma, M. Miyahara, and S. Kumagai. 2003. Prevalence of pandemic thermostable direct hemolysin-producing Vibrio parahaemolyticus O3:K6 inseafood and the coastal environment in Japan. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 69: 3883-3891.
- Lesley, M., R. Son, A. Kasing, A. R. Raha, C. M. V. L. Wong, C. Y. Kqueen, and M. Nishibuchi. 2003. Isolation and molecular characterization of Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria innocua from poultry meat. 2003. ASEAN Food Journal 12: 89-102.
- Nishibuchi, M. 2003. Gene sequence analysis of seafood-borne Vibrio pathogens and its application. In M. Fingerman and R. Nagabhushanam ed., Recent Advances in Marine Biotechnology Vol. 10 Molecular Genetics of Marine Organisms. Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield, New Hampshire, and Plymouth, pp.33-85.
- Nishibuchi, M. 2003. Vibrio parahaemolyticus, In Bier, J., and M. D. Miliotis eds., International Handbook of Foodborne Pathogens. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc., pp. 237-252.
- Nishibuchi, M. 2004. Infection by a new clone of Vibrio parahaemolyticus: an infectious disease that emerged in Asia and spread to a world wide pandemic. In Furukawa, H., M. Nishibuchi, Y. Kono, and Y. Kaida eds., Ecological Destruction, Health, and Development: Advancing Asian Paradigms. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press / Trans Pacific Press, pp. 251-263.
- Bhuiyan, N. A., M. Ansaruzzaman, M. Kamaruzzaman, K. Alam, N. R. Chowdhury, M. Nishibuchi, S. M. Faruque, D. A. Sack, Y. Takeda, and G. B. Nair. 2002. Prevalence of the pandemic genotype of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Dhaka, Bangladesh and significance of its distribution across different serotypes. J. Clin. Microbiol.40: 284-286.
- Karasawa, T., H. Ito, T. Tsukamoto, S. Yamasaki, H. Kurazono, S. M. Faruque, G. B. Nair, M. Nishibuchi, and Y. Takeda. 2002. Cloning and characterization of genes encoding homologues of the B subunit of cholera toxin and the Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin from clinical isolates of Citrobacter freundii and E. coli. Infect. Immun 70: 7153-7155.
- Salleh, N. A., G. Rusul, Z. Hassan, A. Reezal, S. H. Isa, M. Nishibuchi, and S. Radu. 2003. Incidence of Salmonella spp. In raw vegetables in Selangor, Malaysia. Food Control 14: 475-479.
- Ishiguro, T., J. Saito, R. Horie, T. Hayashi, T. Ishizuka, S. Tsuchiya, K. Yasukawa, T. Kido, Y. Nakaguchi, M. Nishibuchi, and K. Ueda. 2002. Intercalation activating fluorescence DNA probe and its application to homogenous quantification of a target sequence by isothermal sequence amplification in a closed vessel. Anal. Biochem 314: 77-86.
- Okuda, J., T. Nakai, P. S. Chang, T. Oh, T. Nishino, T. Koitabashi, and M. Nishibuchi. 2002. The toxR gene of Vibrio anguillarum: not a virulence regulator but a good tool for diagnosis. Fisheries Science 68 (Suppl.): 1109-1112.
- Tuyet, D. T., T. D. Thiem, L. von Seidlei, A. Chowdhury, E. Park, D. G. Canh, B. T. Chien, T. V. Tung, A. Naficy, M. R. Rao, M. Ali, H. Lee, T. H. Sy, M. Nichibuchi, J. Clemens, D. D. Trach. 2002. Clinical, epidemiologic, and socioeconomic analysis of an outbreak of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam. J. Infect. Dis. 186: 1615-1620.
- Nishioka, T., Mashimo-Matsumoto, C., Chowdhury, A., Kamruzzaman, M., Nakaguchi, Y., and Nishibuchi, M. 2005. Phylogeny and a characteristic of the pandemic strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. 38th Joint Conference on Cholerae and Other Bacterial Enteric Infections Panel. (Boston, MA, USA. November 30 -December 2, 2005.)
- Koitabashi, T., and Nishibuchi, M. 2005. Isolation and characterization of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli including serotype O157 from the meats marketed in Quingdao, China. Intl. Conference Food Sci. Technol. VI. (Guangzhou, China. November 7-9, 2005.)
- Matsuda, F., Ishimura, S., Taichi, H., and Nishibuchi, M. 2005. Food safety and enteric pathogens in the environment: an important and complicated issue in Asia. 7th Kyoto Univ. Intl. Symposium, 2005. (Bangkok, Thailand. November 23-24, 2005.)
- Nishibuchi, M. 2005. Food safety and enteric pathogens in the environment: an important and complicated issue in Asia. 7th Kyoto Univ. Intl. Symposium, 2005. (Bangkok, Thailand. November 23-24, 2005.)
- 角泰人, 西渕光昭, 中口義次, 西山利正, 石田高明. 2005. 「近畿熱帯医学会のこれまでの歩みと今後の展望」第46回日本熱帯医学会総会(京都, 2005年10月14日-15日)
- 論西岡輔, 颯田葉子, 阿部健一, 中口義次, 西渕光昭. 2005. 「染色体別系統解析に基づく腸炎ビブリオ世界的流行株および関連菌株の系譜」第39回腸炎ビブリオシンポジウム(新潟市, 2005年10月6日-7日)
- Kamruzzaman, M., 真下(松本)千穂, Chowdhury, A., 中口義次, 西渕光昭. 2005. 「世界的大流行をおこしている腸炎ビブリオ菌株に特有の性質の解析」第39回腸炎ビブリオシンポジウム(新潟市, 2005年10月6日-7日)
- Bhoopong, P., Palittapongarnpim, P. , Kamruzzaman, M., 石橋正憲, 中口義次, 西渕光昭, Varaporn Vuddhakul. 2005. 「タイ南部で同一下痢患者から分離された腸炎ビブリオ菌株の多様性」第39回腸炎ビブリオシンポジウム(新潟市, 2005年10月6日-7日)
- 西岡輔, 中口義次, 颯田葉子, 阿部健一, 西渕光昭. 2005. 「腸炎ビブリオ世界的大流行株の染色体別系統解析」第58回日本細菌学会関西支部総会(神戸市, 2005年10月29日)
- Kamruzzaman, M., Mashimo-Matsumoto, C., Chowdhury, A., and Nishibuchi, M. 2005. Analysis of the Phenotypes Encoded in the 23-kbp Nucleotide Sequence Unique to the Pandemic Strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. 第58回日本細菌学会関西支部総会(神戸市, 2005年10月29日)
- 西岡輔, 中口義次, 西渕光昭. 2005. 「複数の遺伝子座に着目した系統解析法による新型腸炎ビブリオ菌株および関連菌株の比較解析」第78回日本細菌学会総会(東京都, 2005年4月4日-6日)
- Radu, S., L. L. Maurice, J. W. Gunsalam, T. Zainazor, G. T. Bulan, N. E. Hussein, M. Jaafar, C. Y. Kqueen, Marlina, F. Kasuga, I. Tsukamoto, and M. Nishibuchi. 2004. Study on Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Malaysian and Indonesian environments. 40th Anniversary United States-Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program. (Kyoto, Japan. December 7-10, 2004.)
- Bhoopng, P., S. Kaephiboon, Y. Nakaguchi, M. Nishibuchi, M. Ishibashi, P. Palitapongarnpin, and V. Vuddhakul. 2004. Genotypic and serological diversities among Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated from individual patients in southern Thailand. 40th Anniversary United States-Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program. (Kyoto, Japan. December 7-10, 2004.)
- Nakaguchi, Y., J. Okuda, T. Iida, N. Masuda, J. Saitoh, T. Hayashi, K. Yasukawa, and M. Nishibuchi. 2004. Study on the transcriptional level of the thermostable direct hemolysin-related hemolysin gene (trh) of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. 40th Anniversary United States-Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program. (Kyoto, Japan. December 7-10, 2004.)
- Jurin, W. G., Tuan, Z. T. C., Son Radu, Yuli, H., Patrick, G. B., Shel, H. Y., Nishibuchi, M., Kasuga, F. and Jamal, K. 2004. Phenotypic characterization of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from black Tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) in processing plant. 26th Symposium of the Malaysian Society for Microbiology. (Langkawi Lagoon Resort, Malaysia.25-28 November 2004.)
- Tuan, Z. T. C., Jurin, W. G., Son Radu, Jamal, K., Nishibuchi, M. and Kasuga, F. 2004. Identification of Vibrio parahaemolyticus by using PCR-based method and CHROMagarTM detection of virulence gene tdh and trh in cultured black Tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) in Malacca, West Malaysia. 26th Symposium of the Malaysian Society for Microbiology. (Langkawi Lagoon Resort, Malaysia 25-28 November 2004.)
- Lesley, M., Son Radu, Rani, A. R., Raha, A. R., Suhaimi, N., Michael, W. C. V. L., Yousr, A. H. and Nishibuchi, M. 2004. Detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in cockle (Anadara granosa) from Tanjong Karang, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia. 26th Symposium of the Malaysian Society for Microbiology. (Langkawi Lagoon Resort, Malaysia.25-28 November 2004.)
- Zulkifli, Y., Son Radu, Michael, W., Ooi, W. L., Nishibuchi, M. and Marlina. Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from cockles in Padang, Indonesia. 26th Symposium of the Malaysian Society for Microbiology, (Langkawi Lagoon Resort, Malaysia. 25-28 November 2004.)
- Langkawi Lagoon Resort, Malaysia.
Maslihana, J., Son Radu, Napis, S., Sahilah, A. M., Marlina, Cheah, Y. K. and Nishibcuhi, M. 2004. Isolation and detection of toxR in Vibrio parahaemolyticus from Corbiculla molktiana. 26th Symposium of the Malaysian Society for Microbiology. (Langkawi Lagoon Resort, Malaysia. 25-28 November 2004.)
- 西岡輔, 中口義次, 西渕光昭. 2004. 「複数の遺伝視座に着目した系統解析法による新型腸炎ビブリオ菌株および関連菌株の比較解析」第38回腸炎ビブリオシンポジウム(岡山市, 2004年11月18日-19日)
- 西岡輔, 中口義次, 西渕光昭. 2004. 「複数の遺伝視座に着目した系統解析法による新型腸炎ビブリオ菌株および関連菌株の比較解析」第57回日本細菌学会関西支部総会(京都市, 2004年10月30日)
- Nishibuchi, M. 2004. Results of molecular epidemiological analysis of seafood-borne pathogens suggest the flow of the pathogens along with the people and food across international borders in Asia. Jpn. Soc. For the Promotion of Science Core Univ. Program Workshop. (Kyoto, Japan. October 6-8, 2004.)
- Endang, P., Yuherman, Sofrida, P. K., Riyani, P. W., Rahmalia, F. A., Jasmi, J., Son Radu and Nishibuchi, M. 2004. Application of plasmid DNA and antimicrobial drug resistance of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from environmental sea water from Malacca, Malaysia. The 6th Asian Symposium on Academic Activities for Waste Management. (Hotel Bumi Minang, Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia. 11-14 September 2004.)
- 益田昇桂, 保川清, 林俊典, 中口義次, 西渕光昭. 2004. 「迅速簡易なTRC法による腸管出血性大腸菌の志賀毒素群遺伝子mRNAのリアルタイムモニタリング」第51回日本臨床検査医学会総会(2004年9月3-5日)
- 植山徹, 小川正之, 石橋正憲, 中口義次, 西渕光昭. 2004. 「腸炎ビブリオ感染症の国際的流行に関する遡及的解析」第77回日本細菌学会総会(大阪市, 2004年4月1日-3日)
- チョードリアシュラフザーマン, 真下(松本)千穂, 西渕光昭. 2004. 「世界的大流行をおこしている腸炎ビブリオ新型クローンに特異的なDNA塩基配列の解析」第77回日本細菌学会総会(大阪市, 2004年4月1日-3日)
- 中口義次, 西渕光昭. 2004. 「腸炎ビブリオの患者・環境分離菌株中のtdh、trh遺伝子転写産物のTRC法による迅速かつ定量的検出」第77回日本細菌学会総会(大阪市, 2004年4月1日-3日)
- 小板橋努, 森垣忠啓, 西渕光昭. 2004. 「stx2遺伝子陽性ながらStx2非産生に関与する変異領域をもつ大腸菌O157のアジアにおける分布」第77回日本細菌学会総会(大阪市, 2004年4月1日-3日)
- Nishibuci, M. 2004. Pandemic spread of Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection and risk assessment of the molluscan shellfish harboring the pandemic strains. 4th Asian Food and Nutrition Safety Conference. (Bali, Indonesia. March 2-5, 2004.)
- 益田昇桂, 保川清, 林俊典, 中口義次, 西渕光昭. 2004. 「迅速簡易なTRC法による腸管出血性大腸菌の志賀毒素群遺伝子mRNAのリアルタイムモニタリング」(つくば市, 2004年1月24-25日)
- Nishibuchi, M. 2003. Studies on pandemic spread of Vibrio parahaemolyticus infections: What are known and where to go? 8th International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases in the Pacific Rim. (Dhaka, Bangladesh. December 11-12, 2003.)
- Koitabashi, T., V. Vuddhakul, T. Morigaki, N. Asai, and M. Nishibuchi. 2003. stx2?positive but Stx2-negative Escherichia coli O157:H7/- strains isolated in Thailand and Japan. 10th Asian Conference on Diarrheal Diseases and Nutrition. (Dhaka, Bangladesh. December 7-9, 2003.)
- Chowdhury, A., M. Ishibashi, V. D. Thiem, D. T. N. Tuyet, T. L. von Seidlein, D. G. Canh, J. D. Clemens, D. D. Trach, and M. Nishibuchi. 2003. Serotype transition of pandemic strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Vietnam in 1997-1999. 10th Asian Conference on Diarrheal Diseases and Nutrition. (Dhaka, Bangladesh. December 7-9, 2003.)
- Islam, M. S., R. Tasmin, S. I. Khan, H. B. M. Bakht, Z. M. Mahmud, M. Z. Rahman, N. A. Bhuiyan, M. Nishibuchi, G. B. Nair, R. B. Sack, A. Huq, R. R. Colwell, and D. A. Sack. 2003. Pandemic strains of O3:K6 Vibrio parahaemolytiucs in the aquatic environment of Bangladesh: implications for disease transmission. 10th Asian Conference on Diarrheal Diseases and Nutrition. (Dhaka, Bangladesh. December 7-9, 2003.)
- 植山徹, 小川正之, 石橋正憲, 中口義次, Savithri D. Puthucheary, 西渕光昭. 2003. 「腸炎ビブリオ感染症の国際的流行に関する研究:分離菌の遡及的解析」第56回日本細菌学会関西支部総会(奈良市, 2003年11月1日)
- Yamamoto, S., F. Kasuga, A. Yamamoto, J. Iwahori, V. Vuddhakul, W. Iaroenjiratrakul, S. Kalnawakul, A. Chowdhury, M. Shigematsu, K. Osaka, H. Toyofuku, and M. Nishibuchi. 2003. Quantitative risk assessment of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in bloody clams in Southern Thailand. United States-Japan Cooperative Program on Development and Utilization of Natural Resources, Joint Panel on Toxic Microorganisms. (Tokyo, November 10-15, 2003.)
- 植山徹, 小川正之, 石橋正憲, 中口義次, Savithri D. Puthucheary, 西渕光昭. 2003. 「腸炎ビブリオ感染症の国際的流行に関する研究:分離菌の遡及的解析」第37回腸炎ビブリオシンポジウム(弘前市, 2003年11月6日-7日)
- 益田昇桂, 保川清, 伊澤祐一, 林俊典, 中口義次, 西渕光昭. 2003. 「迅速・簡易なTRC法による腸炎ビブリオ菌耐熱性溶血毒mRNAのリアルタイム検出」第37回腸炎ビブリオシンポジウム(弘前市, 2003年11月6日-7日)
西渕光昭. 2003. 「アジアの病原性ビブリオ見聞録:魚介類汚染と感染症を考える」第37回腸炎ビブリオシンポジウム(弘前市, 2003年11月6日-7日)
- 益田昇桂, 保川清, 伊澤祐一, 林俊典, 中口義次, 西渕光昭. 2003. 「TRC法による腸炎ビブリオ菌耐熱性溶血毒mRNAのリアルタイム検出」(広島市, 2003年10月29-31日)
- Koitabashi, T., V. Vuddhakul, T. Morigaki, N. Asai, and M. Nishibuchi. 2003. Characterization of Escherichia coli O157:H7/- strains that carry the stx2 gene but do not produce Stx2. 38th Joint Conference on Cholerae and Other Bacterial Enteric Infections Panel. (Bethesda, MD, USA. October 8-10, 2003.)
- 西渕光昭. 2003. 「腸炎ビブリオ感染症:アジアで重要な海産物由来のビブリオ感染症」第24回日本食品微生物学会学術総会(岡山市, 2003年10月2-3日)
- F. Kasuga, , A. Yamamoto, J. Iwahori, V. Vuddhakul, W. Iaroenjiratrakul, S. Kalnawakul, A. Chowdhury, M. Shigematsu, K. Osaka, H. Toyofuku, S. Yamamoto, and M. Nishibuchi. 2003. Quantitative risk assessment of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in bloody clams in Southern Thailand. 90th Ann. Meeting Int. Assoc. Food Prot. (New Orlenas, Louisiana, USA. August 10-13, 2003.)
- 小板橋努, V. Vuddhakul, 浅井紀夫, 森垣忠啓, 西渕光昭. 2003. 「stx2陽性でありながら志賀毒素を産生しない腸管出血性大腸菌O157:H7」第7回腸管出血性大腸菌感染症シンポジウム(奈良市, 2003年6月27-28日)
- 中口義次, 西渕光昭. 2003. 「腸炎ビブリオtrh遺伝子の転写・発現に影響を及ぼす領域の検討」第76回日本細菌学会総会(熊本市, 2003年4月1日-3日)
- 小板橋努, 森垣忠啓, 西渕光昭. 2003. 「タイ南部で分離した大腸菌O157:H7(Thai-12株)が志賀毒素を産生できない原因」第76回日本細菌学会総会(熊本市, 2003年4月1日-3日)
- Qadri, F., M. S. Alam, M. Nishibuchi, T. Rahman, N. H. Alam, J. Chisti, S. Kondo, J. Sugiyama, N. A. Bhuiyan, M. Mathan, D. A. Sack, and G. B. Nair. 2002. The adaptive and inflammatory immune responses in patients infected with strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. 37th Joint Conference on Cholerae and Other Bacterial Enteric Infections Panel.(沖縄県宜野湾市, 2002年12月17日-12月19日)
- Vuddhakul, V., W. Jaroenjiratrakul, S. Kalnawakul, S. Yamamoto, A. Chowdhury, and M. Nishibuchi. 2002. Prevalence of infection by the pandemic clone of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and its association with the environmental strains in southern Thailand. 37th Joint Conference on Cholerae and Other Bacterial Enteric Infections Panel.(沖縄県宜野湾市, 2002年12月17日-12月19日)
- Sunghirum, W., S. Sobun, P. Bhoopong, M. Nishibuchi, and V. Vuddhakul. 2002. Prevalence of infection by Vibrio cholerae O1 Inaba in southern Thailand in the 2001-2002 period. 37th Joint Conference on Cholerae and Other Bacterial Enteric Infections Panel.(沖縄県宜野湾市, 2002年12月17日-12月19日)
- Sunghirum, W., A. Yongchuyos, M. Nishibuchi, and V. Vuddhakul. 2002. Characterization of V. cholerae non-O1/non-O139 strains isolated from clinical and environmental specimens in southern Thailand. 37th Joint Conference on Cholerae and Other Bacterial Enteric Infections Panel.(沖縄県宜野湾市, 2002年12月17日-12月19日)
- Radu, S., C. Y. Kqueen, L. Maurice, V. Vadivelu, G. B. Tanil, N. E. Hussein, Yuherman, C. H. Chen, and M. Nishibuchi. 2002. Detection of Vibrio cholerae and other Vibrio spp. from environmental sources in Malaysia. 37th Joint Conference on Cholerae and Other Bacterial Enteric Infections Panel.(沖縄県宜野湾市2002年12月17日-12月19日)
- Nakaguchi, Y., and M. Nishibuchi. 2002. Identification of the transcriptional start site and analysis of the promoter region of the Vibrio parahaemolyticus trh genes. 37th Joint Conference on Cholerae and Other Bacterial Enteric Infections Panel.(沖縄県宜野湾市, 2002年12月17日-12月19日)
- Yamamoto, A., J. Iwahori, M. Shigematsu, K. Osaka, H. Toyofuku, F. Kasuga, and M. Nishibuchi. 2002. Quantitative modeling for risk assessment of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in southern Thailand. 37th Joint Conference on Cholerae and Other Bacterial Enteric Infections Panel.(沖縄県宜野湾市, 2002年12月17日-12月19日)
- Koitabashi, T., V. Vuddhakul, N. Asai, T. Morigaki, and M. Nishibuchi. 2002. Analysis of the Stx2-non-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 strains isolated in Thailand. 37th Joint Conference on Cholerae and Other Bacterial Enteric Infections Panel.(沖縄県宜野湾市, 2002年12月17日-12月19日)
- 工藤由起子, 杉山寛治, 西渕光昭, Ashrafuzzaman Chowdhury, 大友良光, 八柳潤, 中川弘, 仁科徳啓, 斎藤章暢, 長野英俊, 宮原美知子, 小沼博隆, 熊谷進. 2002. 「国内産魚介類におけるTDH産生性腸炎ビブリオ菌数の定量と分離株の解析」第36回腸炎ビブリオシンポジウム(京都市, 2002年12月5日-12月6日)
- 中口義次, 大仲悟, 林俊典, 西渕光昭. 2002. 「腸炎ビブリオの患者・環境分離株中のtdh、trh遺伝子転写産物の迅速かつ定量的検出法(TRC法)の評価」第36回腸炎ビブリオシンポジウム(京都市, 2002年12月5日-12月6日)
- 小板橋努, 森垣忠啓, 西渕光昭. 2002. 「志賀毒素非産生性大腸菌O157:H7におけるQタンパク質の毒素遺伝子への影響」第55回日本細菌学会関西支部総会(吹田市, 2002年11月9日)
- 岩堀淳一郎, 山本昭夫, Varaporn Vuddhakul, Sineenart Kalnawakul, Ashurafuzzaman Chowdhury, 重松美加, 小坂健, 豊福肇, 春日文子, 山本茂貴, 西渕光昭. 2002. 「タイ南部における赤貝の摂食に伴う腸炎ビブリオ感染の定量的リスクアセスメント:微生物学的リスクアセスメントにおける国際協力」2002年度日本リスク研究学会第15回研究発表会(京都, 2002年11月22-23日)
- Nishibuci, M. 2002. Molecular genetic study on thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) and TDH-related hemolysin of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. 84th General Meeting of Korean Society for Microbiology.(韓国, Cheongju, 2002年10月22日-10月23日)
- 西渕光昭. 2002. 「腸炎ビブリオ感染症の世界的大流行:遺伝子を標的とした検査と解析」第9回日本遺伝子診療学会大会(京都, 2002年10月18日-20日)