ベトナム北部・ラオス北中部・タイ北部・ミャンマー北部・中国南西部にまたがる広大な東南アジア大陸山地部の農業は急速な変化の中にある。しかし、その変化の理由はさまざまである。山地部の多様な自然環境の上に、開発と環境保全に関わる各国の政策の違いや文化の異なるさまざまな民族の移動などが複合的に重なり、地域によってきわめて多様な変化を見せてくれる。この地域の多様な農業発展プロセスを分析し、歴史性と地域性を十分考慮した農業発展の方向性を考察するための基礎的資料を提示することが本研究の目的である。 |
- 柳澤雅之. 2001. 「東南アジアのデルタにおける作付体系の展開−ベトナム紅河デルタの作付体系から−」 『熱帯農業』45(5): 316-319.
- Yanagisawa, Masayuki. et.al. 2001. Changing roles of cooperatives in agricultural production in the Red River Delta; A case study of the Coc Thanh cooperative in Nam Dinh province, In J. Kleinen,ed., Vietnamese society in transition; The daily politics of reform and change, Het Spinhuis Publishers. pp.3-22.
- Yanagisawa, Masayuki. 2001. Agricultural intensification and diversification in the Northern mountains region of Vietnam: A case study of cash crop development in Moc Chau district of Son La province Paper presented at the COE International seminar on Changing people-environment interactions in contemporary Asia: An area study approach (held from November 15-17, 2001 at Kyoto University.)
- Yanagisawa, Masayuki. et. al. 2001. Status of Vegetable Cultivation as Cash Crops and Factors Limiting the Expansion of the Cultivation Area in a Village of the Red River Delta in Vietnam, Japanese Journal of Tropical Agriculture 45(4): 229-241.
- Yanagisawa, Masayuki. 2000. Fund-Raising Activities of A Cooperative in the Red River Delta: A Case Study of the Coc Thanh Cooperative in Nam Dinh Province, Vietnam. Southeast Asian Studies 38: 123-141.
- 柳澤雅之(代表執筆者). 2006. 「京大式フィールドワーク入門」京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科, 東南アジア研究所編, NTT出版.
- Dao Minh Truong; Y. Kono, and M. Yanagisawa,. 2005. Dynamics of land cover-land use in villages of the Vietnam Northern mountain region: Impacts of human activities. International journal of Geoinformatics 1(1): 165-170.
- 柳澤雅之. 2004. 「ベトナム紅河デルタにおける農業生産システムの変化と合作社の役割」『年報村落社会研究:東アジア農村の兼業化−その持続性への展望』40: 247-268.
- 柳澤雅之. 2004. 「山と平野、水と土 −二大デルタの自然と農業−」今井昭夫, 岩井美佐紀編著『現代ベトナムを知るための60章』 東京: 明石書店, pp.74-80.
- 佐々木有道, 柳澤雅之, 縄田栄治. 2004. 「ベトナム北西部山岳部における近年の農業変容−Son La省 Moc Chau県の事例−」『熱帯農業』48 (別号1): 99-100.
- 柳澤雅之. 2004. 「紅河デルタ村落における農業生産システムの変容に関する研究(平成16年度日本熱帯農業学会賞奨励賞受賞記念講演要旨)」『熱帯農業』48 (別号1): 125-128.
- Yamada K., M. Yanagisawa., Y. Kono, and E. Nawata,. 2004. Use of Natural Biological Resources and Their Roles in Household Food Security in Northwest Laos, Southeast Asian Studies 41(4): 426-443.
- Sakurai K., H. Kawazu, Y. Kono, M. Yanagisawa, Le Van Tiem, Le Quoc Doanh, N. Dangthaisong, and Trinh Ngoc Chau,. 2004. Impact of Agricultural Practices on Slope Land Soil Properties of the Mountainous Region of Northern Vietnam: A Case Study in Bac Ha District, Lao Cai Province, Southeast Asian Studies 41(4): 503-518.
- Yanagisawa, M. 2004. Development process of cash crops in the Northern mountains region of Vietnam: A case study in Moc chau district of Son la province, Vietnam, In Furukawa, H., M. Nishibuchi, Y. Kono, and Y. Kaida,. eds., Ecological destruction, health, and development: Advancing Asian paradigm, Japan: Kyoto University Press, pp. 467-479.
- Yanagisawa, M. 2003. Agricultural intensification and diversification in the Northern mountains region of Vietnam. In Hayashi, Y.; and Thongsa, S.eds. Cultural diversify and conservation in the making of mainland Southeast Asia an Southwestern China regional dynamics in the past and present, pp.379-393. Bangkok: Amarin Printing and Publishing Public Company Ltd.
- DiGregorio, M.., A. T. Rambo, and M. Yanagisawa,. 2003. Clean, green, and beautiful: Environment and development under the renovation economy, In Hy Van Luong.ed. Postwar Vietnam: Dynamics of a transforming society, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, INC. pp.171-200.
- Yanagisawa, M. 2003. “Thay ??i vai tro nh?ng khong thay ??i ch?c n?ng c?a h?p tac xa trong cac ho?t ??ng kinh t?-xa h?i ? ??ng b?ng song H?ng, Vi?t nam: Nh?ng thay ??i trong c?u truc kinh t? - xa h?i ? h?p tac xa C?c Thanh, 1981-1998 (Changing roles and unchanging function of cooperatives in economic activities in the Red River Delta, Vietnam: Changes in socio-economic structure in Coc Thanh cooperative, 1981-1998)” Paper presented at the workshop on Vietnamese village studies..
- 柳澤雅之. 2003. 「地域研究と村落調査」 『東南アジア史別巻−東南アジア史研究案内−』池端雪浦ほか編, 東京: 岩波書店, pp.111-116.
- Michael DiGregorio, A. Terry Rambo, and Masayuki Yanagisawa,. 2003. Clean, green, and beautiful: Environment and development under the renovation economy, In Hy Van Luong, ed., Postwar Vietnam: Dynamics of a transforming society, USA: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, pp. 171-200.
- Kono, Y.; Yanagisawa, M.; and Dang The Phong. 2002. Qua?n ly? co?ng ?o?ng ca?c he? tho?ng thu?y l??i ?? chau tho? song Ho?ng, Vie?t Nam”, In Ca?c nha? Vie?t Nam ho?c n???c ngoa?i vie?t ve? Vie?t Nam ta?p 2, edited by Phan Huy Le. pp.323-334. Hanoi: Nha? xua?t ba?n the? gi??i.
- Yanagisawa, M. 2002. Activities of a cooperative in support of agricultural production in the Red River Delta: A cooperative as a bridging organization” Paper presented at the International Workshop on Vietnamese Peasants’ Activity: An interaction between culture and nature.