I. Outline of the Program |
1. Objectives and characteristics of the program
Building upon Kyoto University’s long academic heritage of field research
in Asia and Africa, this program aims to carry out cutting-edge area studies,
and by effectively integrating post-graduate education to establish a world-leading
center of excellence of integrated area studies. With globalization, the points
of contact between local communities and global society are becoming more extensive
and diverse, often leading to conflicts between the “global” and “local,” as
seen in environmental problems and North-South issues. Although these problems
of the contemporary world are in most cases complex issues involving an entangled
relationship between human society and nature, they have long been addressed
separately through the social sciences and natural sciences. Given this situation,
in order to work out a direction for the development of a truly sustainable global
community and to conceive a new world order which allows coexistence between
people and nature as well as coexistence of different areas of the world, we
must promote a transdisciplinary approach which incorporates the perspectives
of the social sciences and natural sciences, applying them to the “area,” the
historically-constituted juncture between ecology, society and culture, and establish
a center of research and education for this purpose.
Some of the leading
world institutions in area studies are the British SOAS, in London, and the Dutch
CNWS, in Leiden, but while their approach is mainly in the fields of humanities
and social sciences such as history, political science, economics, sociology,
and anthropology, very few adopt our approach, a transdisciplinary approach of
social and natural sciences, promoting IAS (Integrated Area Studies), including “comparative
area studies.” In addition to the adoption of this new approach, our program
is unique in that, while placing a priority on fieldwork, we aim to achieve an
integration between basic research and practical interests, and between advanced
research and on-site education.
2. Expected outcomes of the program
Based on field stations (FSs) in the Asian and African regions, the program aims
to promote Integrated Area Studies with the following pillars: a transdisciplinary
approach of the social and natural sciences, integration of on-site education
and field research, fusion of basic research and practical interests, and comparative
studies linking the Asian and African regions. Under the shared research theme
of “Human-Nature Coexistence in a Glocalizing World,” it aims to
create new “knowledge” on “areas.” At the same time,
a Center for Integrated Area Studies (formerly “Area Studies Information
Center”) will be established to support our activities, with the functions
to gather, process and transmit multidimensional information on area studies,
and to form networks with research institutions involved in area studies both
within Japan and abroad. By integrating the functions of the FSs and the Center
for Integrated Area Studies, we aim to build a leading global network for area
The United States,
which was long the world’s leader in area studies, is scaling back such
activities as a result of changes in its national strategy. As a result, there
is an important need for the formation of a COE for area studies in Asia, which
will facilitate the creation of networks for both research and education. In
addition, many institutions for area studies both in Japan and abroad focus mainly
on the humanities and social sciences, and there is insufficient focus on a transdisciplinary
approach that would allow for an overall grasp of areas. Beginning with the promotion
of the transdisciplinary approach and integration of research and on-site education
in area studies, this program is expected to train specialists who can, with
a deep understanding of local contexts, respond flexibly to various issues such
as development assistance, nature conservation, and ethnic conflicts faced by
Asian and African countries, and to contribute these research findings back to
society. |
II. Progress of the Program in FY2002 and FY2003 |
1. State of the program’s
This program has so far gone forward along the following three lines: (1)
Establishment of the FSs (field stations) and development of the integration
of on-site-education and research activities at the FSs; (2) The preparation
for the establishment of the “Center for Integrated Area Studies,” where
multidimensional information can be organized and circulated to support
on-site-education and research activities (to be established in 2004);
and (3) An integration of the resources and activities in (1) and (2) under
the common research theme of “Human-Nature Coexistence in a Glocalizing
World,” and research and education on four problem areas in line
with the common theme. The work under (1) and (2) is described below. For
(3), refer to III, Records of Activities.
(1) Field Station Division
With regard to the FSs, during the last two years, a total of 27 faculty members,
52 graduate students, and 3 COE researchers have been dispatched to Laos, Myanmar,
Indonesia, Egypt, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Zambia, and Kenya. Thanks to
their efforts, 14 FSs have been set up and organized based on Memorandums of
Understanding at sites where various projects have already been carried out
by the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS) and Center
for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS). The FSs have promoted transdisciplinary
research under the common theme, as well as on-site education for graduate
students. Also, using the FSs, we have developed multi-lateral and multi-centered
educational and research networks with local institutions in the areas concerned,
held joint research and workshops, and collected publications and government
documents in the local languages.
In FY2003, we held a joint workshop in Ethiopia with the Addis Ababa University,
with the goal of promoting comparative area studies, under the title of “Environment,
Livelihood and Local Praxis in Asia and Africa,” and the results of FS
activities were presented there. Through the holding of seminars such as one
on the conservation of rainforests in Cameroon (jointly with WWF, GTZ, MINEF),
and an on-site workshop in Indonesia titled “The Micrology of Indonesian Local Societies,” we are endeavoring to make use of the FSs to promote joint
research and publicize their findings.
Through these activities,
using the FSs in the Asian and African regions as a base, we will for the first
time in Japan create an academic environment
that can promote the integration of field research and on-site education. Researchers
in Japan, unlike their counterparts in Europe, do not have easy access to a
large corpus of historical documents collected on Asia and Africa during the
colonial period. For them to be able to take a leading role in international
work in area studies, fieldwork, which allows the collection of primary and
contemporary sources and the accumulation of in-situ experiences, is the most
important and effective method; the integration of on-site-education and research
based at the FSs will provide a framework that makes this possible.
(2)Area Info Division
In the field of area
information, the Center for Integrated Area Studies is being founded in order
to support research and on-site-education at the FSs and to
function as a center for information and networks for area studies domestically
and internationally. As concrete achievements up to date in the area of information
networks, a server has been set up that is to serve as the node for multiple
communication modules in Area Info, and hardware has been installed to allow
better communication among the field stations, researchers and students on
and off the campus of Kyoto University. In terms of the collection of research
materials, 7,500 books, 1,500 microfiches, and 600 microfilm reels have been
purchased. We have also started the digitalization of existing materials in
area studies and the development of a database system.
Rather than publicizing the program’s activities through printed materials,
a Website was launched on April 21, 2003 to release in real time the reports
of activities of the 21st Century COE program. In October, one year ahead of
the original schedule, a monthly eNewsletter in Japanese titled “Integrated
Area Studies INFOrmation Magazine (IAS-INFO)” was launched with the purpose
of fostering information exchanges and closer relationships among those researchers
interested in area studies; as of February 2004 it has been issued six times
already. A meta database system was also developed for the comprehensive accumulation,
sorting and dissemination of multidimensional research materials and information
in area studies. Through these activities, preparations are moving steadily
forward to the building of Asia’s largest information and network hub.
The program has set a common research theme of “Human-Nature Coexistence
in a Glocalizing World.” “Seminar groups” have been organized
along the lines of the four problem areas of research under the common theme,
and a framework has been set up to allow graduate students conducting fieldwork
to participate effectively in activities related to these four problem areas.
So far, a total of 50 symposiums and seminars in Japan, and four workshops
and seminars overseas have been organized, led by the participating members
of the program. In the future, we plan to promote closer linkages between fieldwork
and workshop activities so that fresh results from fieldwork can be made available
to a wider audience through academic meetings both at home and abroad.
2. Future developments
Currently, fieldwork and on-site education are being carried out at 14
FSs in the Asian and African regions. In the future, we intend to selectively
reduce the number of FSs based on the contents of activities and past
performance, and concentrate the limited resources of the program on
the selected FSs. The activities and outcomes of this program will be
released mainly through the Website, and by issuing the eNewsletter, “IAS-INFOM,” the
creation of web-based information networks will be promoted. The Center
for Integrated Area Studies (Area Info), to be established in FY2004,
is being built to become a hub for information and networking in Asian
and African area studies. The Center will serve as the core of the Kyoto
University Area Studies Network, which is to incorporate departments
and researchers involved in Asian and African studies within Kyoto University,
with the aim ultimately to be the core of the Global Network for Area
Studies, to be launched to link research institutions involved in area
studies both in Japan and abroad.
Through the above-listed activities, as a base for fieldwork and for
information and networking, we will endeavor to build the largest center
for area studies in Asia, and to train and foster leading researchers
of area studies. Another goal will be to clarify the nature of various
pressing issues in Asia and Africa, such as nature conservation, development
issues, ethnic conflicts, and the preservation of minority cultures.
Based on an in-depth understanding of the relevant areas, and with the
aim of giving research findings back to the local communities concerned,
we are searching for solutions to these pressing issues. We will also
contribute to promoting understanding of Asia and Africa among the general
public by providing information through electronic journals and Area
Info Room, which will be set up inside the Center for Integrated Area
Studies. |
III. Records of Activities |
1. Holding of International Workshops
(1) |
Title: |
Joint Workshop “Environment, Livelihood and Local Praxis
in Asia and Africa” |
Date: |
October 20-30, 2003 |
Venue: |
Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia |
Number of participants: |
80 (30 from Japan, 50 from other countries)
Reports were given by graduate students both in the program and from Addis
Ababa University. |
Main invited speakers: |
Dr. Bekele Getama, Dr. Assefa Tolera, and Dr. Ayalew Gebre, all from
Addis Ababa University |
(2) |
Title: |
On-site joint seminar “Conservation and Sustainable Utilization
of Rain Forest” |
Date: |
December 10, 2003 |
Venue: |
WWF office, Yokadouma, Cameroon |
Number of participants: |
30 (3 Japanese graduate students, 1 Japanese lecturer from
Kyoto University, officers of WWF-Cameroon, officers of the Ministry of
Environment and Forestation of Cameroon, staff members of the German aid
organization GTZ, local NGO workers, clergy, etc.)
Two Japanese graduate students were among those giving reports. |
Invited speakers: |
None |
(3) |
Title: |
Laos Field Station Workshop “Forest Management and Conservation
in Laos”
Co-organized by 21st-COE program and RIHN (Research Institute for Humanity
and Nature) |
Date: |
January 25, 2004 |
Venue: |
ASAFAS, Kyoto University |
Number of participants: |
30 (22 from Japan) |
Main invited speakers: |
Dr. Houngphet Chanthavong and Dr. Khamleck Xaydala (both
from the National University of Laos) |
(4) |
Title: |
Workshop “The Micrology of Indonesian Local Societies” |
Date: |
March 23, 2004 |
Venue: |
Jakarta, Indonesia |
Number of participants: |
90 (10 from Japan) |
Invited speakers: |
None |
(5) |
Title: |
Workshop “Change of Rural Society and Local Agro-Ecological
Knowledge in Myanmar” |
Date: |
March 16-17, 2004 |
Venue: |
SEAMEO-CHAT, Myanmar |
Number of participants: |
50 (25 from Japan) |
Invited speakers: |
None |
2. Achievements in educational activities
(1) Dispatch of graduate students and on-site education
Selected graduate students from ASAFAS, after completing their pre-doctoral thesis
(equivalent to a M.A. thesis) were dispatched to the FSs set up in Asia and Africa
for on-site education. Participants were recruited from within ASAFAS, and the
selection was made based on applications using a designated form. A monthly allowance
in the range of 100,000 to 200,000 yen was provided for traveling and lodging
expenses, in accordance with the costs of living in the area. Over the last two
years, a total of 52 students have been dispatched to field stations in the Asian
and African regions (See the Website for details).
In addition, a total of 27 faculty members have been dispatched for on-site
education. However, this is not the whole picture of on-site education, since
many faculty members who go abroad using Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
from MEXT (Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sciences and Sport) take
time to provide on-site education, and hence not all on-site education is provided
with support from the program.
(2) Dispatch of COE researchers
People who have completed their Ph.D as well as young researchers with equivalent
qualifications were recruited publicly from within and outside of Kyoto University,
to work mainly as assistants for the field research and on-site education at
the FSs. They were provided with traveling expense and a monthly fee of approximately
200,000 yen. Due to budget cuts, greater emphasis was placed on the dispatch
of graduate students than COE researchers, and only three researchers have
been dispatched so far. One of them, who was in the field for an extended period,
presented a report which is available on our Website (in Japanese), on the
page of Myanmar FS.
(3) Recruiting a COE researcher for the Area Info Division
One postdoctoral researcher was recruited to support the development of the Center
for Integrated Area Studies, in a capacity as a creator of area studies-related
databases and meta-database. A salary equivalent to assistant status has been
provided to this researcher.
(4) International workshops and seminars under the initiative of COE researchers and graduate students
For the participants of the international workshop held in Ethiopia in October
2003, an allowance of between 100,000 and 200,000 yen was provided to partially
cover travel and lodging expenses. The recipients of the allowance were recruited
from within ASAFAS and screened based on past achievements and titles of their
proposed reports to the workshop.
As stated above, we have been promoting the integration of field research
and on-site education through the establishment of FSs in Asia and Africa.
As a fruit of these activities, 11 students have been granted (or are scheduled
to be granted) Ph.Ds during the last two years (2 in FY2002, and 9 in FY2003).
IV. Conclusion |
The emphasis of this program
is placed on the participation of graduate students; a total of 52 graduate
students, together with 27 faculty members, have already been sent to
FSs abroad for on-site education. In addition, three COE researchers
have been publicly recruited to assist with the program. For the symposiums
and workshops held in Japan and abroad, graduate students and the COE
researchers are required to participate actively from the early stage
of the planning to encourage them to become active in the international
arena. Research outcomes related to the program but achieved under separate
programs, such as the Grants-in Aid for Scientific Research of MEXT,
are also fed back to society at large through means such as the Website
and online Field Lecture Series open to the general public. In terms
of feeding back to the public achievements made on a more specialized
level, there will be publications such as Itaru Ota et al, eds., Nomads,
Living on Africa’s Highlands (in Japanese) (Showado, March 2004),
and Tsuyoshi Kato, ed., Changing Southeast Asian Societies: Ethnic,
Religious and Cultural Dynamics (in Japanese) (Mekong, May 2004), among others.
Thus, the initial objectives of the program have been steadily carried
out, effectively involving COE researchers and graduate students in the program.
Constant efforts are being made to use funds effectively and efficiently, through
bottom-up budget compilation and reallocations based on mid-term inspections.
A regular Executive Committee meeting consisting of the main participants of
the program is held every month, and the minutes are distributed to other people
involved in the program as a means to maintain good communication and coordination
inside the organization. A summary of the executive committee meetings, “What’s
New from the Secretariat,” is accessible on the Website. Efforts are being
made to provide information in real-time: the reports of activities and research
findings in the program are posted in detail both in Japanese and English on
the Website, while the monthly eNewsletter provides information on updates to
the site.