The common research theme encompasses four problem-areas of research, namely: Human Ecology Issues, Social and Cultural Issues,
Political and Economic Issues, and Area Studies Issues. |
- January 25 (Thu), 2007 "Magnitude of genetic diversity and patterns of their distribution in some Ethiopian plant domesticates and their impact on the development and livelihood of rural community"

- January 22 (Mon), 2007 "Agrarian Relations in Upland Sulawesi: The Case of Tana Toraja"

- September 20 (Tue), 2006 "Biodiversity in Indonesia, Crisis and Sustainability"

- July 11 (Tue), 2006 "Farming Systems Development in Bangladesh - with special reference to traditional agricultural tools"

- November 11 (Fri), 2005 "Assessing Changes in an Agricultural System in terms of Sustainability in the Northwestern Mountains of Vietnam"

- October 20 (Thu), 2005 "Holocene Climate of Namibia: A Review Based on Geoarchives"

- July 14 (Thu), 2005 "Tank Irrigation in South India- What is Next?"

- July 12 (Tue), 2005 "Changes in Human Adaptive Strategies in Rural Northeast Thailand"

- June 10 (Fri), 2005 "The Evolution of Mankind: The Significance of the Fossil Hominid Discoveries in the Cradle of Humanity World Heritage Site, Near Johannesburg, South Africa"

- May 28 (Sat), 2005 "Seminar in Bangkok Liaison Office of CSEAS"

- May 24 (Tue), 2005 "Community dynamics of a tropical seasonally dry forest with special reference to deciduous dipterocarp forest in Northeast Thailand"

- May 9 (Mon), 2005 "Changes in Rural Livelihood and Agriculture during the Last 20 years in Northeast Thailand"

- April 25 (Mon), 2005 "Forestland classification for swiddening and NTFPs: The case of the Pwo Karen in Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand"

- April 13 (Wed), 2005 "Special Seminar"

- September 27 (Mon), 2004 "Efficient Management of Natural Resources for Sustaining Agriculture in the Sloping Land of Northern Vietnam by participatory Watershed Research and Application"

- July 2 (Fri), 2004 "Cropping-Pattern Approach to the Dry Land Agriculture in Kyaukpadaung Township, Dry Zone, Central Myanmar"

- June 5 (Sat), 2004 (1) "Ecological Change and Malaria Risk in a Unstable Malaria Region (Gusii) Southwest Kenya"

- April 20 (Tue), 2004 "Special Seminars of CSEAS visiting research fellows"

- February 27 (Fri), 2004 "Risk assessment of vibrio pathogens in seafood in Thailand and Malaysia:
an emerging food safety issue in Southeast Asia"

- January 25 (Sun), 2004 Laos Field Station Workshop
"Forest Management and Conservation in Laos"

- December 4 (Thu), 2003 "Taungya cultivation (shifting cultivation) and landless households in rural Myanmar: The case of a village in Yezin, Central Myanmar"

- November 28(Fri) - 29(Sat), 2003 "Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Forest Dynamics of Thailand:
Impacts, Ecology, Management and Rehabilitation"

- October 27 (Mon), 2003 "Agricultural Evolution through Integrated Pest Management? A comparative perspective from Indonesia, Cambodia, and Vietnam"

- June 24 (Tue), 2003 "Forest Management in Sarawak Malaysia with Special Reference
to Rehabilitation Efforts in Deforested Sites"

- May 29 (Thu), 2003 "Public Seminar on African Area Studies"

- May 15 (Thu), 2003 "Forest management and Forest Products Exploitation by in the BufferZone of the Pu Mat National Park, Nghe An province, Vietnam"

- March 28 (Fri), 2003 "Rethinking' Cultural Involution': With Special Reference to the Representation and Consumption of Balinese Culture"

- December 18 (Mon), "Shiite Movements in Iraq and Current Political Situation"

- December 15 (Fri), "The 7th Seminar on Politics, Economics and History of Asia"

- November 2 (Thu), "Special Seminar"

- October 17 (Tue), "Legalizing Shari'a (Islamic Law) and Its Impact on the 'Pancasila State' in Indonesia: the Case of Shari'a Regulations (Perda Shari'a)"

- September 29 (Fri), "Indonesian Perspective of Foreign Policy: Under the Waves of Neo-Conservatism and Its Counters"

- September 1 (Fri), "New Voices from Area Studies"

- July 6 (Thu), 2006 "The Analytical Problem of the "Em"New Voices from Area Studies"
beddedness" of EconomicActivity in Culture: Perspectives for Global Economic History"
- July 1 (Sat), 2006 "New Perspectives on Chinese Business, Family, and Changing Regimes in Indonesia"

- June 9 (Fri), 2006 "Political Change in Malaysia and Singapore: A Personal Reflection"

- May 25 (Thu), 2006 "Fleeing from Caste Oppression: Emigration of South Indian Coolies to Southeast Asia, 1871-1982"

- May 23 (Tue), 2006 "Politics, Economics and History of Asia"

- April 28 (Fri), 2006 "Asia and the Rise of the Early Modern World Economy"

- April 22 (Sat), 2006 "Politics and Role of Mass Media in the Post-Authoritarian Indonesia"

- March 28 (Tue), 2006 "Can Better Governance Be All? Malaysian Politics Since November 2003"

- February 6 (Mon), 2006 "Agro-based Industry in Myanmar: with special reference to sugar industry"

- January 10 (Tue), 2006 "Third World View of the Genealogy of Democracy -Theorizing from the Indonesian, the American, and the Japanese Political Histories"

- December 19 (Mon), 2005 "Exploring Reconstruction of Rural Financial System in China: Current Status of Rural Finance and its Reforms"

- December 14 (Wed), 2005 "Nepal: Armed Conflict and the Future of Democracy Movement"

- September 29 (Thu), 2005 "Can Pulse Improve Myanmar Rural Economy?- Changes of Income Distribution in a Green gram Producing Area in Lower Myanmar -"

- June 30 (Thu), 2005 "Strategies and current challenges of African Economic development"

- April 19 (Tue), 2005 "Intellectual Capital in Malaysian Semiconductor Industry"

- February 24 (Thu), 2005 "Seminar in Bangkok Liaison Office of CSEAS"

- February 18 (Fri), 2005 "Democracy and Populism in Thailand in Global Perspective"

- February 8 (Tue), 2005 "A Cross-Regional Comparison between Chinese Minority in Indonesia and Chinese Minority in Japan : Host Countries Policy toward the Chinese, with a case study at Kobe"

- January 8 (Sat), 2005 "Seminar in Bangkok Liaison Office of CSEAS"

- November 17 (Wed), 2004 "Economic Growth and FTAs: The Key Challenges for East Asia and Singapore" "FTAs in East Asia: Shaping the direction of regional integration and competiitveness"

- November 12 (Fri), 2004 "Seminar in Bangkok Liaison Office of CSEAS"

- November 8 (Mon), 2004 "Thailand's Cross Border Economy: A Case Study of Sa Kaeo and Chaing Rai"

- July 15 (Thu), 2004 "Anatomy of Brutal Violence against Civilians in the Sierra Leonean Civil War: State, Society, and Spirituality"

- July 6 (Tue), 2004 "Living in disguise? Minahasan community in Oarai, Ibaraki"

- June 25 (Fri), 2004 "Big Four Telecoms, Thaksin Regime and Democracy in Thailand"

- June 5 (Sat), 2004 (2) "The Changing Face of Africa’s Legislatures: Women and Quotas"

- June 2 (Wed), 2004 "Roots of the Conflict in Palestine"

- May 28 (Fri), 2004 "Aspects
of Bangkok's Growth in the 19th and 20th Centuries"

- May 24 (Mon), 2004 "Translations
of Antisemitism: Jews, the Chinese, and Violence in Colonial and Postcolonial

- April 2 (Fri), 2004 "International Forum
on Statesman or Manager? Image and Reality of Leadership in SEA "

- March 26 (Fri), 2004 "The
Analysis of Intra-Industry Trade Between Indonesia and Japan: A Case Study
in Manufactured and Agricultural Products"

- February 1 (Sun),
in Bangkok Liaison Office of CSEAS"

- November 27 (Thu), 2003 "Cooperative's activity and farmer's life in the development process of the Red River Delta, Vietnam "

- November 21 (Fri), 2003 "Women in the labor market: the case of Japan and Thailand"

- November 4 (Tue), 2003 "Resistance to the Nepalese State: Why did it collapse so quickly?"

- October 31 (Fri), 2003 "Indonesian migrant workers in Japan"

- June 26 (Thu), 2003 "Public Seminar on African Area Studies"

- May 23 (Fri), 2003 "Workshop on Socio-economic and Political Transitions in Northeastern Thailand"

- April 22 (Tue), 2003 "Indonesia's State Enterprises: From State Leadership to International Consensus"

- March 11 (Tue), 2003 "Sukarno's Indonesia and Suharto's Indonesia"

- January 14(Tue), 2003 "Kashmir: A Human Tragedy, a Strategic Nightmare'"
- November 14 (Tue), "Core University Program Special Seminar
Project 8: "Changing 'Families'"-Is the Thai Family Patriarchal?"
- September 28 (Thu), "Sex distinction, gender and kinship: Implications of a relational perspective. Insights from the study of Austronesian societies"

- September 28 (Thu), "Interrogating "Texts" and "Traditions" of Resistance: New Arenas of Historical and Anthropological Research in Southern Ethiopia "

- July 28 (Fri), 2006 "The Iranian Passion Drama (Ta'ziyeh) and Iranian Political Culture"

- July 7 (Fri), 2006 "Elderly Care in the Ageing Societies: Women as Care-Givers and Care-Receivers(Case Studies in The Netherlands, Indonesia and Japan)"

- May 29 (Mon), 2006 "API Seminar"

- May 18 (Thu), 2006 "Hunter-gatherer’s Concepts on the Environment"

- April 27 (Thu), 2006 "African Philosophy: an Introduction"

- April 21 (Fri), 2006 "Traditional Culture in the Creation of Contemporary Myanmar"

- February 17 (Fri), 2006 "The Role of Development Monks and Social Change in Northeast Thailand"

- February 15 (Wed), 2006 "Cross-Border Marriages and Transnational Gender Mobility: Experiences of Village Women from Northeastern Thailand"

- December 12 (Mon), 2005 "Westernization and Asian Identity"

- November 7 (Mon), 2005 "Yao Refugees: From Highland Southeast Asia to California"

- October 7 (Fri), 2005 "The Search for 'Development Monks' "

- October 4 (Tue), 2005 "Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Lao PDR: Issues and on-going projects"

- April 22 (Fri), 2005 "My Hometown Aceh, Before and After Tsunami"

- April 21 (Thu), 2005 (1)"Past, Present and Future of the Languages of Tanzania (LOT) Project" (2)"Revisiting the sociolinguistic aspects of Lingala, on the basis of recent linguistic materials"

- April 15 (Fri), 2005 "Understanding Field Research: A Reflection on the Study of Soundscape and the Anthropology of the Sense"

- April 5 (Tue), 2005 "Human Vulnerability, Knowledge Industry and Alternative Systems of Knowledge: Reflections on Human Security in an Era of Violence, Epidemics, and Environmental Disasters"

- December 15 (Wed), 2004 "Mien Sports and Heritage, Thailand 2001"(15mins.)

- December 10 (Fri), "The Sufi Dance in Turkey and Central Asia (Including Chinese Turkestan)"

- November 29 (Mon), 2004 "Karen and Hmong adaptation to economic changes in Northern Thailand"

- November 4 (Thu), 2004 "Women’s Access to Land In Sundanese Community (Case Of Upland Peasant Households In Kemang Village West Java, Indonesia)"

- Oct 21 (Thu), 2004 "Perspective towards indigenous food in Africa"

- Oct 19 (Tue), 2004 "Malay Traders in the Straits of Melaka 1780s to 1790s"

- Oct 15 (Fri), 2004 "Forests, Bad Roads, and Democracy: Interpreting an Unsuccessful Protest"

- Sep 27 (Mon), 2004 "Modernity, Public Spheres and Religious Resurgence"

- Sep 14 (Tue), 2004 "The Power of Language: Cursing Expressions in Ethiopian Languages"

- July 21 (Wed), 2004 "Islam and Secularism"

- June 11 (Fri), 2004 "Thongmakhsan, Northwestern Thailand,
Through Time: Life and
Livelihood 1977 - 2003"

- May 11 (Tue), "Fatherhood
and the Construction of the Masculine Self among the Urban Gikuyu of Kenya"

- March 13 (Sat), 2004 "Seminar in Bangkok Liaison Office of CSEAS"

- March 6 (Sat), 2004 "Seminar in Bangkok Liaison Office of CSEAS"

- March 3 (Wed), 2004 "Towards a Political Theology of Rice"

- February 18 (Wed), 2004 "The Oral Epics of the Women of the Dandakaranya Plateau: A Preliminary Mapping"

- January 13 (Tue), 2004 "`Living apart together`: changing attitude toward marriage among women in Japan"

- September 19 (Fri), 2003 "Rethinking Chinese Networks and Identities"

- July 17 (Thu), 2003"Jose Rizal: Old Questions, New Answers"

- May 16 (Fri), 2003 "Writing a Genealogy: Its Implication in Thai Dam Societies in Northwestern Vietnam"

- May 16 (Fri), 2003 "Current Trends in Indonesia Television and Cinema:
Screening of Chasing America."

- April 17 (Thu), 2003 "Arabs in Nineteenth Century Java: Cultural Diversity, Race and the Colonial State"

- March 19 (Wed), 2003 "Indianization in Insular Southeast Asia: Letters, Architectures, and Thoughts"

- March 8 (Sat), 2003 "21st COE Program"

- January 23 (Thu), 2003 "Sufi-saints and Legist (Fuqaha') under the Almoravid and Almohad Dynasties"
- January
17 (Fri), 2003 "Population Dynamics and Changing Ritual Language: A Case
in a Chinese Temple in Cebu, the Philippines"

- December 7 (Sat), 2002 "Islam, Mysticism and Religious Pluralism"
- November 29 (Fri), 2002 "Human Sacrifice in tribal central India during the colonialperiod"
- November 15 (Wed), 2006 "State, Market and Community"

- March 8 (Wed), 2006 "Rethinking "locality" in the Thai social movements: a comparative study of the community forest movement and anti-FTA movement"

- February 25 (Sat), 2006 "Seminar in Bangkok Liaison Office of CSEAS"

- December 14 (Wed), 2005 "Problematising Asia: reflections on the re-emergence of the discourse of Asia"

- September 26 (Mon), 2005 "Culture and Development in Africa:Building on positive cultural practices to promote development"

- July 12 (Tue), 2005 "Contribution of the Co-operative Sector in Socio-economic Development of Bangladesh"

- June 28 (Tue), 2005 "2nd Workshop on Area Informatics"

- April 19 (Tue), 2005 "Integration of diverse societies to achieve harmony in natural resource use: MAP, a symbol of collaboration in southwestern Amazonia"

- March 24 (Thu), 2005 "First International Symposium on Area Informatics 2005
- Potential of GIS/RS in Area Studies -"
- February 18 (Fri), 2005 "The Economics of Biodiversity Conserveation: A Study of a Coffee Growing Region in the Western Ghats of India"

- December 6 (Mon), 2004 "Rural and Agricultural development in Northern Zambia: Problems and Prospects"

- Oct 8 (Fri), 2004 "Environmental Ethics: The Islamic Perspective"

- August 9 (Mon), 2004 "The Middle Way Trends in the Islamic World"

- May 7 (Fri) - 8 (Sat), 2004 "Intellectual Discourses of Southeast Asian Studies"

- February 20 (Fri), 2004 "Alternative
Theories of Southeast Asian Development"

- February 16 (Mon), 2004 "Appropriation of Cultural Symbols and Peasant Resistance
-A Case Study from East Kalimantan, Indonesia-"

- February 6 (Fri),
2004 "Community and Culture: The Cost of Ascribed Membership"

- January 27 (Tue),
2004 "Organization of the CSEAS Special Collections"

- October 17 (Fri), 2003 "API Fellowship Seminar"

- March
25 (Tue), 2003 "Application and Mis-Application of Ecological Theory in Anthropology"

- March 21 (Fri), 2003 "Bananas Connecting the Areas"

- March 6 (Thu), 2003 "Memory of Development"

- February 7 (Fri), 2003 "On the Necessity and Possibility of Scientific Area Studies: Approaches towards Ecology, Rural Development, and Environmental Issues"
